Why She's Throwing Herself At You

Most any guy in this day and age, who still has a testosterone level that falls off the charts, sags his pants and calls women babe, has had at least one woman who’s thrown herself at him and handed him her vag in a recycled brown paper bag.

And right now, that’s something that most guys liken to winning a game of bingo- two free tickets to some cheap 1 day 1 night all expenses paid mini-motel and all-you-can-eat-buffet vacation on the underground side of town isn’t anything exciting or new.

On the same token, men throw themselves at women and try to sleep with them ALL THE EFFING TIME. That is what they are genetically designed to do and they will stop at nothing to get in them drawls.

Men instinctively see women as conquests and as potential sperm banks who will sow the seeds of life and pass on the gene pool, unviable, unwise, and a big effing mistake, no matter. There is a reason men aren’t “slut-bashed” the way that women are. The behavior from men is expected. From women, not so much.

The reason we don’t expect it from women is because a woman is pretty much inclined to get sex from any man she wants. Women don’t have to advertise, solicit, negotiate, persuade, or convince. All they have to do is say jump and he’ll say “off of which bridge”.

I’ve had numerous discussions at Loveawake free dating site forum with men about women who will sleep with them 5 minutes after they meet, and they usually lean towards believing the woman is trashy, skanky and sleeps with any dude. Call it an assumption, a stereotype, or an unfair double standard if you will. But it’s the truth.

However guys, I’m here to tell you there are reasons that women will want to sleep with as soon as they see you boxing that bill on your Yankee’s cap.

She’s Desperate

Women who are in a decent state of mind, who have confidence in themselves, and aren’t starved for love and attention will not sleep with a man immediately for validation.

Instead, a woman like this, who is gutted spiritually from the inside out, is looking for validation from you because from her life leading up to now, she has gotten used to being unvalidated, trivialized, used and thrown away. You are not the first, nor the last.

A desperate woman will sleep with you right away because she knows no other way to keep a man. However, she doesn’t yet recognize that her behavior is counter-intuitive to actually keeping one. She is still elbow deep in her cycle of self-destruction and she’s got a while yet before she’s going to clean up her act, if she ever does.

Additionally, she doesn’t know what it is to be in a loving, respectful, and deeply fulfilling relationship. She doesn’t know herself to be loving and respectful and fulfilled because she doesn’t yet have a grasp on what it takes to garner the respect of a man. She gets no respect because she doesn’t have respect.

She’s Inexperienced and Looking For Her Daddy

This also falls along the lines of desperation. However, there is a whole other sad and serious situation behind “The Girl With Daddy Issues” and her fallacious reasoning.

This girl has issues pent up from her childhood that are manifesting themselves through rebellious actions of the taboo type. The bad makeup, the skanky clothes, the bad attitude and the self-loathing are all indicative of her disregard and her emptiness because her father/the central man figure in her life has abandoned her in a deeply troubling and profound way.

Her aggression towards you is her reaching out in an effort to fill a void. She was denied love by the one singular man in her life who could make the biggest difference and now she is looking to you to be the one to make up for it.

She’s Horny and Just Wants Sex

Yup guys, believe it or not, this chick is looking at you the same way you’re looking at her. She sees you as a lamb-shank with mint sauce served on a plate next to pecan caramelized stuffing and a dessert consisting of velvet creme dark chocolate mousse folded among a bouquet of flambeed ladyfingers.

This woman is the opposite of the last two. This one has it together, knows what she wants, and is looking to you to get it. However, don’t expect her to go running you down, throwing herself at your feet, and begging you to propose marriage and the whole white picket fence shebang like the rest of the chicks you lay up with usually do.

She’s a maneater, a lady pimp, a woman who will chew you up, spit you out and not give two licks of a conscience to give a damn how you feel about it. Sound like a dream come true? Indeed. But be extra careful, as you may end up sprung off your ass because she’s masterful in bed and has techniques you’ve never experienced and to top it off she’s cool, calm and collected and drama free - just the kind of chick you’re looking for without knowing or suspecting you’re even looking for it.

She’s Wants You To Like Her and She’s Hoping For Much Much More

This one’s the most obvious in her attempts to sleep with you. And you can usually spot a girl like this a mile away because she’s always got some agenda on her watch when it comes to any potential guy.

More than likely, a woman like this has put her own sexual needs on the backburner along with her own personal needs - the ones that truly matter. Like self-respect, setting boundaries, having more love for herself than she does for men, and not having enough in her to restrain herself to allow for something better.

So she’s settled for you, the first, middle or last of the succession of guys of whom she has tried to seduce into relationships because she wants to be in a relationship more than she can breathe. This falls along the line of desperate as well, however this woman is the type who will more than likely believe the relationship has begun as soon as you lay it down.

I shouldn’t have to tell you to proceed with caution on this one because you should see this shit coming a mile away. Just remember, if you stick your penis in a hole pretending not to know what’s on the other side, you may very well end up losing it- to someone whose going to stalk you, connive you, and threaten you until you want to run yourself off a cliff.

Talk about a bone buster eh?

Today, women throw themselves at men for a variety of reasons. Although there are exceptions, the reasons are usually the same- she’s not doing it for her, she’s doing it for you. She’s doing it for a false sense of acceptance and for the simple fact that she doesn’t place value on the attributes that you would without having to sleep with her.

Next time she’s throwing that thing at you like you would a throw a flank steak at your pit bull, you might think about holding out. Unless you mind not getting laid and getting shafted.

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